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GINGER PETERNEL followed by Holiday Potluck Luncheon

Ginger’s background info…“I’ve enjoyed numerous crafts since cutting out paper dolls as a child. There’s been tole painting, knitting, crochet, macramé, stained glass, and ceramics. I even had a ceramics studio in Kingman, AZ in the early 1970’s. Then I found my first quilt shop, The Quilted Apple, in Phoenix and knew I had found my creative “calling”. It is where I learned the basics, and the special tips and tricks that were known before we had the rotary cutter and specialty rulers. In 1983, my husband’s job required that we move to the Kansas City area. We settled in Shawnee. Such a perfect move for a quilter. I joined the Starlight guild, the Quilt Guild of Greater Kansas City, and the Kaw Valley Guild before I finished unpacking. Such fun times and wonderful new quilting friends. Then I found a job and for the next 25+ years my quilting was limited to weekends and evenings. Since 2018, I’ve been able to devote a lot more time to quilting. Of course, I’ve rejoined the Quilt Guild of Greater KC and haven’t looked back!”

POT LUCK following meeting! Members, please bring a side dish or dessert. Please separate desserts into individual servings before the meeting (ex. put in paper cupcake holders). The board will provide pulled pork and brisket and some side dishes.